Friday 2 November 2012

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How does it feel being famous at such a young age?
Beth: It feels surreal I never thought it would happen
Rowan: I still am in shock

What was the first thing you did when you heard that you song was in the charts?
Beth: We didn’t find out till Tuesday when Sam received a tweet about it.
Sam: Yes it was a big shock I think the first thing we did was ring our parents to tell them about it

What no wild partying (laughs)?
Rowan: No we still really haven’t celebrated, we haven’t even celebrated getting to the top of your list we have been to focused on our album

 So the roomers are true you are going to realise an album?
Beth: Yes we are it isn’t going to be released to summer next year even thought we have just about finished recording it, we want to make sure we have our first year at collage out of the way first.

That’s good you don’t really hear about young musicians focusing on collage work. What are your plans for when you release the album? Are you bringing out any music videos to go with it?
Sam: I don’t really think we have thought about it that much, all we know is that we are going to do a minor album signing tour but no music videos so far maybe one that time next year.

Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
Sam: I bed most likely lol but seriously I hope we might be on tour.
Beth: I agree with Sam I tour would be lovely but I think I might like to go uni in-between

What Bands are you inspired by?
Rowan: I think I speech for all of use when I say All Time Low. We met them a while back and not only have they inspired us they have given us a lot of support and help along the way.

 If you has gone through a talent show do you think you would be where you are today?Sam: Personally I don't think so, I think that we would have ended up relying on the record label that we where in to much and we wouldn't have been as independent in what we do as we are.

So do you not want to be signed by a record label then?
Beth: Not for a while thought I think if you can make the album work on our own we might keep it that way for a while longer if we find it too hard we might see if we can get signed

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