Friday 2 November 2012

Audience Research

Research Methods
I made a questionnaire with 10 questions (can be seen below) and handed it out to 20 people in my target audience.


2. Results
I collected the results of the 20 questinnaires and combined them into graphs to i could see them all in one place.

From my Results I found many things

For Question 1 I found that that Rock Sound was the most popular so I should base my magazine more on rock sound.
For Question 2 I found that the name that I want didnt come first how ever it did come second with a large number of poeple liked the name so I an still going with it.
With Question 3 I now know that I will be having a band shot on the from cover of my magazine
For Question 4 I know that there wil be 3-4 pictures on the contence page
With Question 5 I know to make my double page an interview with the band of the front cover
From Question 6 I know that it could be a montly or a fortnightly magazine so I will make a monthly one
I know that poeple are willing to pay between £1-£2 so i will make it £1.99
I might Feature a free gift on the front of the magazine as i know poeple will be influenced to buy it becasue of it
With Question 9 really liked Bootle to I will use Bootle as my masthead
Since two came joint first but both of them are large fonts I will use the second place font FangSong as it is smaller

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