Monday 14 January 2013


Question 1:
In what ways does yours media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?
Answer to Question 1:

Question 2:
How does your media product represent particular social groups
Answer to Question 2:
The font on the mast head is not smooth; it is rough which could represent the people who buy my magazine as people that don't go for things that follow social conventions and people who like to do things a littel differently. The colour of the font is a bright red so this could connote people who liek to stand out fron the crowd. Since the people on the front are all of th same ethnicity it could be representing the people who buy my magazine as mainly white people like the other people in my magazine so that they can relate to them. The norm for bands would be having mainly boys and if there was a girl she woudl most likely be the main singers like in Paramore. However on this magazine there is two girls and one boy with the girl as the lead not the boy, this represents the audience as mainly being female. In the magazine teenagers are represented as being happy and like the stereo types of tennagers who would dress in track suits. The people on the fron cover and though out are dressed nicely but not in giht lable clothing signifing that young people liek to dress nice, in their favorite band top or in a pair of Converse or Vans not High Heels. This also represents the working  class as people who aspire to do well and this can be seen fron the title of the double page "Trouble of Ambient, Unsigned Band of 2012" this shows how hard the band have had to work as they do not have a record lable showing the working class in a positive light.

 The magazine does not follow stereo types of gay people, it represents them as normal poeple, this can be seen as the male mamber of the band "Trouble of Ambient" is gay. The represents how in today's society it is hard for poeple to tell wether someone is gay or not, as they are not as obvious as they used to be, and it isn't as much of a big deal.

Rock On does not have much representation of disabled people as a high part of the magazine is about concerts and festivals.

This magazine represents the younger generation as people who like to be up to date with the latest technologies as on the front cover there is a offer for a free MP3 download, which is one of the lastest things to do as they would rather have a digiatal copy then a physiscal copy.

  Question 3:
What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine product and why?
Answer to Question 3:

Rock On would be produced and distributed large magazine publishing company such as Sonic Publishing
This company published other national magazines that would go will with Rock On such as Rock Sound and Artrocker

Rock ON would be available for consumers to buy at these retailers:
HMV (or it would be if they haven't just closed down/ gone in to administration)

it would also have its own website and would be available on subscription

Question 4:
who would be the audience for your media product?
Answer to Question 4:

Question 5:
How did you attract/address your audience?
Answer to question 5:

My audience say that “The mast head matches the target audience”; this is done through the colours as it is red. The red would attract girls who are my main target audience but it is not very girly so it also attracts the male side of my demographic. These colours are also used though out with blue added as quite a lot of it is red so I felt I needed to add some colours that would attract a larger male audience. I used bright colours to attract the younger side of the target audience as they are bright and eye catching “Colours suit the styles and match the picture.” I have addressed both genders of my target audience by having my images thought out of two girls and one boy “Good, shows both genders this suits the target audience.” The people featuring on my magazine are wearing clothing that would attract the target audience as they are seeing people they can relate to as they are wearing clothing that they would wear which also addresses the audience . One of the band members is wearing a band t-shirt with an image of the band on it is effective as they audience would see this I be able to connect with the bands as they also like the genre of the band on the t-shirt.
The target audience are attracted to the magazine by the images at the bottom on the contents page as there is images of the band messing around so the audience can see the band act like real teenagers like the audience, “Good bottom bit unique with good pictures.” The target audience as that “the contents page is laid out well, it makes sense”
I attracted my target audience with my double page by, now it is laid out. They said that “Well framed text wraps around image nicely” this is thought how the image is large and takes up a part of the second page with the text wrapping around it.

Question 6:
What have you learned about technologies from the process of construction this product?
Answer to Question 6:

Question 7:
looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?
Answer to Question 7:

Friday 2 November 2012

Audience Feedback

Finished Cover Page, Contents page and Double - page and quark

Screen Shots Showing editing process on photoshot and Quark

Text for Double Page Spread Artical

How does it feel being famous at such a young age?
Beth: It feels surreal I never thought it would happen
Rowan: I still am in shock

What was the first thing you did when you heard that you song was in the charts?
Beth: We didn’t find out till Tuesday when Sam received a tweet about it.
Sam: Yes it was a big shock I think the first thing we did was ring our parents to tell them about it

What no wild partying (laughs)?
Rowan: No we still really haven’t celebrated, we haven’t even celebrated getting to the top of your list we have been to focused on our album

 So the roomers are true you are going to realise an album?
Beth: Yes we are it isn’t going to be released to summer next year even thought we have just about finished recording it, we want to make sure we have our first year at collage out of the way first.

That’s good you don’t really hear about young musicians focusing on collage work. What are your plans for when you release the album? Are you bringing out any music videos to go with it?
Sam: I don’t really think we have thought about it that much, all we know is that we are going to do a minor album signing tour but no music videos so far maybe one that time next year.

Where do you see yourselves in 5 years time?
Sam: I bed most likely lol but seriously I hope we might be on tour.
Beth: I agree with Sam I tour would be lovely but I think I might like to go uni in-between

What Bands are you inspired by?
Rowan: I think I speech for all of use when I say All Time Low. We met them a while back and not only have they inspired us they have given us a lot of support and help along the way.

 If you has gone through a talent show do you think you would be where you are today?Sam: Personally I don't think so, I think that we would have ended up relying on the record label that we where in to much and we wouldn't have been as independent in what we do as we are.

So do you not want to be signed by a record label then?
Beth: Not for a while thought I think if you can make the album work on our own we might keep it that way for a while longer if we find it too hard we might see if we can get signed

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